

Rethinking about Tian Wenjing's Methods and Practice on Governance of Corruption and Upholding Integrity in Henan Province
摘要 贪污腐败是吏治败坏的集中表现。治贪倡廉是吏治的核心。作为封疆大吏的田文镜,面对河南吏治败坏的状况,认真践行雍正帝的吏治主张,坚持依法治吏,以打击贪污贿赂为重点,以清查钱粮亏空为突破口,大刀阔斧地破除官场上的陋规,正风肃纪,谋求标本兼治的策略,严厉的举措遏止了贪污腐败之风的蔓延,巩固了康熙年间治国理政的成果,为实践惩治成果向预防成果转化积累了经验。但他在谋求建立止贪长效机制时,竭力推行高薪养廉制度,并且认为养廉能够止贪,这一结论不符合实际。对于他所开展的治贪实践得失的科学总结,有助于对其不足之处进行反思,亦能对历史上出现所谓高薪养廉止贪的争论进行再认识。 Corruption embodies the failure of official administration. Governance of corruption and upholding in-tegrity is the core for official administration. When facing the situation of official administration failure in Henanprovince, Tian Wenjing, as the high officer of the frontier, seriously practiced emperor Yongzheng' s proposals aboutofficial administration. He insisted on official administration according to the law, regarded punishing corruption asthe key point, and checked the debts of money and foodstuff as the breakthrough. In this process, he broke up thedated rules in official circles boldly and resolutely, set up disciplines and formed honorable atmosphere, and soughtthe policies that can change the corrupted situation from the core. His strict measures did stop the spreading of cor-ruption practice in officials, consolidated the fruits of ruling the country achieved byKangxiemperor, and accumula-ted experiences for the transformation from punishing corruptions into preventing corruptions. But when he tried toset up the mechanism with constant efficiency for eliminating corruption, he made great efforts to promote the systemof cultivating honesty and integrity by high pay, and believed that high pay can prevent corruption, which is not thetruth in practice. It is necessary to make scientific summarization for his success and failure in the practice of gover-ning official corruption because we can rethink on his deficiencies, and reexamine the argument about cultivatinghonesty and preventing corruption by high pay that once appeared in the history.
作者 王兴亚
出处 《黄河科技大学学报》 2016年第2期74-81,共8页 Journal of Huanghe S&T University
关键词 田文镜 河南 惩贪 倡廉 成效 反思 Tian Wenjing Henan province punish corruption advocate honesty and integrity efficiency rethinking
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