The self-made mobile fermentation bag for spent white Hypsizygus marmoreus substrate was developed, and the relevant fermentation process was studied. The results showed that under the condition of single addition of Lactobacillus,nitrogen-free extract was degraded into lactic acid, leading to decreased pH value.On day 10, the fermentation effect reached the best with Lactobacillus abundance of 5.12×10~7/ml, lactic acid content of 0.48% and strong acid flavor. At this time, the fermentation material was moist without mildew and agglomeration, and was suitable for livestock and poultry. However, after 10 days, undesirable acids and mildew generated, a large amount of lactic acid bacteria died, and the fermentation material turned black and agglomerated, and became unsuitable for feeding livestock and poultry. Throughout the fermentation process, the pH value first decreased continuously until to 4.0, and then remained stable. During the fermentation of spent white H. marmoreus substrate, the nitrogen-free extract and crude fiber contents decreased, the crude protein content increased, while other indicators remained unchanged.
该文研究了自制发酵袋移动发酵白玉菇菌糠,并对其发酵过程进行分析,结果表明:只添加乳酸菌剂发酵白玉菇菌糠,乳酸菌利用无氮浸出物转化乳酸,pH下降,在发酵第10 d时,发酵效果达到最佳,乳酸菌达到5.12×10~7个/ml,乳酸含量0.48%,出现了浓厚的酸香味,发酵物料湿润、无霉变、无结块,适合饲喂畜禽。发酵10 d后,产生杂酸、霉变,乳酸菌大量死亡,发酵物料颜色变黑、结块,不再适合饲喂,发酵过程中pH值一直降低,到4.0趋于平衡。
Supported by Education and Research Projects for Yong and Middle-aged Teachers in Fujian Province(JB13188)
Longyan Science and Technology Plan Project(2014LY63,2015LY32)
Production-study-research Cooperation Project of Longyan University(LC2014010)~~