
人工干扰下城市水系与建成区空间过渡关系研究——以加拿大多伦多为例 被引量:1

Study on spatial transitions between watersheds and built-up areas under different artificial interference: a case of Toronto
摘要 当前我国城市建设整体上处于一个快速上升期,城市水系保护及城市建成区对水系高强度甚至是超强度干扰的问题比较突出,因此,有必要借鉴国外相关好的做法,促进城市与自然的协调发展。以人类活动对水系产生的影响——人工干扰强度为测度,对加拿大多伦多地区的城市水系与城市建成区的空间过渡和衔接形式进行了调研和分析。结果显示,多伦多地区的人工干扰有3种类型,即自然环境主导型、人工环境主导型和自然人工环境共存型;多伦多城市发展成熟,很好地实现了在不同人工干扰强度下城市水系保护与利用的平衡,积累了指导城市水系与建成区过渡空间开发的理论方法和实践经验。借鉴多伦多市的成功经验,对我国城市化建设过程中人与自然的协调问题提出了相关建议。 Currently, the urban construction is growing rapidly in China, the problems of urban water system protection and the highly intensive interference of urban built - up area to the water systems becomes more prominent. Therefore, it is necessary to draw relevant experience from abroad and promote the coordinated development between city and nature. Taking the impact of hu- man activities on watershed, a human interference strength, as a measurement, the investigation and analysis were conducted on the transition forms between the watersheds and the built- up areas in Toronto, Canada. The results indicate that the intensity of human interference can be classified into three distinct levels : natural environment dominating, artificial environment dominating, and natural -artificial co -existing. As a developed modern city, Toronto well balanced the urban watershed protection and utili- zation under different human interference strength, which established sound theoretical method and practical experience to guild the ecological transition. By referring to the practice and experience of Toronto, the suggestions to solve the human - nature coordination issue in urbanization of China were proposed.
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2016年第8期7-11,共5页 Yangtze River
关键词 人工干扰 城市水系 建成区 空间过渡 多伦多 加拿大 artificial interference urban watershed built - up area spatial transition Toronto Canada
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