
基于视觉表征的微学习资源的设计与应用研究——以《信息素养》课程教学为例 被引量:7

Research on the Design and Application of Micro-learning Resources Based on Visual Representation——Taking the information literacy course teaching as an example
摘要 设计和开发微学习资源是移动学习发展的要求。根据视觉表征和微学习资源的研究成果,结合大学《信息素养》课程教学内容,设计并开发了六个主题的微学习资源,随后采用单组前后测实验法在58位本科生的学习过程中应用。结果表明,微学习资源的设计理念和开发策略为相关实践提供了理论指导,所设计开发的微学习资源作为《信息素养》课程的辅助学习材料,可以满足大学生的学习需求,有助于提升大学生的信息素养和学习成效。 Design and development of micro learning resources is the requirement of the development of mobile learning. Based on the literature of visual representation and micro - learning resources and in combination with the teaching content of the " information literacy" college course, six topics of micro learning resources are designed and developed, and then applied in the learning process of 58 undergraduate students by adopting one - group pretest - posttest design methods. The results show that the design concept and development strategy of micro - learning resources provide a theoretical guidance for the practice. The micro learning resources designed and developed as the auxiliary learning materials for the " information literacy" course, can meet the learning needs of learners, im- prove students' learning effectiveness and information literacy.
作者 张倩苇 向娅
出处 《现代远距离教育》 CSSCI 2016年第2期49-55,共7页 Modern Distance Education
基金 广东省高等教育教学改革项目2013年重点项目(编号:113)"网络环境下大学生信息素养教与学模式的研究与实践" 2014年广东省学位与研究生教育改革研究项目(编号:2014JGXM-MS14)"移动学习环境下以任务为导向培养研究生科研能力的研究与实践"的研究成果
关键词 微学习 微学习资源 视觉表征 信息素养 Micro learning Micro learning resources Visual representation Information literacy
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