
社会资本对高校自主招生影响的实证计量 被引量:13

Preliminary Empirical Measurement of Influence of Autonomous Enrollment by the Social Capital
摘要 社会资本影响高校自主招生广受诟病,学界却一直缺乏对其作用机理、影响大小和改革路径的深入研究。课题组通过理论分析筛选出社会阶层、考生身份特征、社会关系3个社会资本观测维度,通过对考生家长进行调查,分别考察社会资本维度与自主招生过程与结果维度的关系。研究发现,考生家庭社会资本对于自主招生活动有重要影响,弱势阶层、弱势地区、弱势中学考生已处于显著不利地位。研究认为,当前应适度削减中学权限,严格进行过程监督,科学公平地开展制度建设,有效降低生源地社会资本作用空间,严惩利用社会资本的寻租腐败行为,并增加弱势群体应考和入学的机会。 It is widely criticized that social capital impacts university's autonomous enrollment, but in the educational circles there has been a lack of an in-depth study on the specific acting mechanism, impact size and reform paths of social capital. The research group screens out three dimensions of social capital observation, namely social stratums, identity characteristics of candidates and social relations, by theoretical analysis, and re- spectively studies the relationship between the dimension of social capital and the two dimensions of process and result of autonomous enrollment by investigation of candidates' parents. The study shows that social capital of families has an important impact on the autonomous enrollment activity, and candidates from disadvantaged stra- turns, disadvantaged areas, and disadvantaged high school are still at a significant disadvantage. The study sug- gests that the privilege of high school should be moderately restricted, process supervision should be strictly con- ducted, system construction should be carried out scientifically and fairly, the role of social capital in candi- dates' native places should be effectively reduced, rent-seeking corrupt behavior should be severely punished, and chances of examination and recruitment for disadvantaged groups should be increased.
作者 刘进
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2016年第2期72-80,共9页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"提升弱势群体自主招生参与的公平与效率:关系模型与政策改革研究"(71403020)
关键词 自主招生 社会资本 社会阶层 弱势群体 autonomous enrollment social capital social stratums disadvantaged groups
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