
论美国高校的禁忌:师生恋 被引量:5

On the Taboo of American Universities: Teacher-Student Romances
摘要 随着女性主义者呼吁禁止工作场所中不对称关系下的恋情,师生恋在美国高校开始成为一个问题,并在日后发展成一个禁忌。当下,美国高校对师生恋存在3种立场:绝对禁止、相对禁止和强烈地不鼓励。背后的理由有3个方面:师生之间权力不对称、利益冲突和对学习环境产生负面影响。而对于如何处置卷入师生恋的教师,美国各高校不尽相同,通常的做法是通过调离的方式终结二者之间存在的教学或指导关系,而影响恶劣者则可能被开除。中国高校目前也面临着师生恋关系的问题。鉴于其潜在的风险,中国高校有必要在此议题上制定明确的政策。 As feminists calling for a forbidden love under asymmetric relation in work place, teacher-student romances gradually become a problem and finally evolve into a taboo in American universities. Currently, there are three stances on it in American universities: categorical bans; contextual bans; strong discouragement. The reasons behind are the power asymmetry between teacher and student; conflict of interest; negative effects on the learning environment. As to how to deal with the teachers involved in such relationships, different universities have different measures. The most common one is to end their instructional or evaluative relationship by transferring, while those notorious one may be expelled by university. Nowadays, Chinese universities face the problems caused by student-faculty love. Due to its potential risks, Chinese universities are necessary to make clear poli- cies on this issue.
作者 刘爱生
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2016年第2期102-107,共6页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 国家留学基金管理委员会资助项目(201508330116)
关键词 美国大学 师生恋 性骚扰 禁忌 American universities teacher-student romances sexual harassment taboo
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