
英国18世纪自然风景园林之父威廉·肯特的如画贡献 被引量:12

The Contribution for the Picturesque Garden of William Kent,the Father of the Natural Landscape Garden in the Eighteenth Century in England
摘要 英国在18世纪发展起来的如画园林美学对世界性的园林风格作出了重要贡献。如画园林的形成和发展并不是一蹴而就的,在其形成和发展过程中既有对传统的回归,也有打破旧传统建立新传统的超越。其中,被誉为英国18世纪自然风景式园林之父的威廉·肯特,被公认为是首先使如画在园林实践中发挥重要作用的造园师。基于大量文献的考据,从其成长背景、设计思想、方法和手段等多个层面探讨了威廉·肯特对如画园林美学思想所产生的直接的和间接的影响和贡献。 The picturesque landscape aesthetics of the English garden in the 18^(th) century made an important contribution to the world.The development of the picturesque garden did not succeed overnight,and in the process of its formation and development was a return to tradition,as well as breaking the old traditional and building new tradition.William Kent was praised as the father of the natural landscape garden of Britain in the 18^(th) century,and recognized as the first gardener to make the picturesque play an important role in landscape practice.The paper is based on the research on a large number of literature textual research,and explores the direct and indirect influence and contribution for the picturesque,the most important garden aesthetics in the 18^(th) century in England,from multiple levels of William Ken's growth background,design idea,methods and practice.
作者 朱宏宇
出处 《中国园林》 北大核心 2016年第5期57-61,共5页 Chinese Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 英国18世纪自然风景园林 威廉·肯特 如画 landscape architecture the natural landscape garden in the 18th century in England William Kent picturesque
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