The global incidence of cervical cancer is ranked second in the women's cancer, the incidence of HPV (human papilloma virus, HPV) infection and cervicalcancer are closely related [1]. HPV testing has been screened for cervical disease, cervical cancer prevention important projects. HPV detection methodscurrently most commonly used laboratory for testing for high-risk HPV type DNA. Cervical HPV infection is a necessary condition, but not sufficient condition.Without E6 / E7mRNA transcription and expression, even with high-risk HPV, cervical cancer is still there [2]. The HPV-E6 / E7 m RNA detection can reflectthe activity of HPV oncogenes E6 / E7 can be more intuitive assessment of the risk of cervical cancer and prognosis [3]. In this paper, the branched DNAtechnology for HPV-E6 / E7 m RNA detection, a comparative analysis for detecting cervical lesions in the high-level clinical value.
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)