
利用聚甲基乙烯基醚共聚马来酸银簇实现高半胱氨酸探测 被引量:1

Selective Detection of Homocysteine by Using Poly Methyl Vinyl Ether-alt-Maleic Silver Clusters
摘要 报道采用聚甲基乙烯基醚共聚马来酸为模板合成的发光银簇实现高半胱氨酸选择性探测,该银簇在540和460nm处具有两个发射峰.在高半胱氨酸加入之后,高半胱氨酸的巯基通过配位作用与银簇结合,造成其在540和460 nm处的发光强度降低,两个发光峰强度的比值随高半胱氨酸的浓度的增加呈线性变化.该探针的检测限为1μmol/L,线性响应范围为5~100μmol/L.该方法利用双峰比值的变化来检测高半胱氨酸,有很高的选择性,可以实现高半胱氨酸浓度的定量检测. We report selective detection of homocysteine(Hcy) through luminescent poly methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid(PMVEM) silver nanoclusters(Ag NCs), which were synthesized using PMVEM as scaffold. The as-developed PMVEM-Ag NCs have two emission peaks at 460 and 540 nm. After Hcy was added, the thiol moiety of Hcy can efficiently coordinate on Ag NCs, resulting in luminescence quenching of the 460 and 540 nm peaks. However, the ratio of these two emission peak was linearly correlated with the Hcy concentration from 5 to 100 μmol/L. The detection limits was 1 μmol/L. The detection of Hcy used the ratio of the two emission peaks, which permit selective detection of Hcy and quantitive determination of Hcy levels.
出处 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期867-871,共5页 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
基金 上海市自然科学基金(No.15ZR1410100) 国家自然科学基金(No.61178085)资助项目~~
关键词 高半胱氨酸 聚甲基乙烯基醚共聚马来酸 荧光探针 银簇 homocysteine poly methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid fluorescent sensor silver nanoclusters
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