目的探讨白细胞酯酶(leukocyte esterase,LE)试纸条在关节假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)诊断中的应用。方法选取2014年10月-2015年7月本院63例髋、膝关节置换术后需行关节腔穿刺鉴别是否感染且穿刺后有可利用关节液者入组本实验。选用临床常见的两种试纸条Combur10Test?M Roche(德国)和AUTION Sticks 10PA Arkray(日本),对63例患者进行测定。每例患者每次取1滴关节液滴入试纸白细胞酯酶小格,于2-3 min后分别判读。试纸变为深紫色(比色卡最后一格)判定为阳性,其余颜色判定为阴性。混有血液的关节液,通过离心机离心处理后,取上清液滴定试纸并判读。同时依据肌肉与骨骼感染协会(Muscularskeletal Infection Society,MSIS)诊断标准判断假体周围是否感染。将判断结果与LE试纸测试结果对比,分别计算敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值及相应95%CI。结果 63例中,依据MSIS标准诊断为PJI 35例,非感染28例。两种LE试纸条测定结果无差异,均出现假阳性1例,假阴性3例;敏感性均为91.4%(95%CI:75.8%-97.8%),特异性均为96.4%(95%CI:79.8%-99.8%),阳性预测值均为97.0%(95%CI:82.5%-99.8%),阴性预测值均为90.0%(95%CI:72.3%-97.4%)。结论 LE试纸应用于关节假体周围感染的诊断有很高的敏感性和特异性,是一种相对准确且经济、简便、快捷的检测方法。其中AUTION Sticks 10PA Arkray推荐应用于PJI的诊断。尽管Combur10TestMRoche结果与AUTION Sticks 10PA Arkray试纸结果一致,但试纸条覆盖的过滤膜较厚,有时会干扰肉眼直接判读。
Objective To investigate the value of leukocyte esterase(LE) strips in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection(PJI). Methods From October 2014 to July 2015, 63 patients with PJI who had undergone joint puncture after arthoplasty in our hospital were enrolled in this trial. Every drop of synovial fluid was placed onto the leukocyte esterase(LE) strip(Combur10 Test?M Roche and AUTION Sticks 10 PA arkray), and the results were observed after 2-3 min. If the color turned to dark violet, we recognized this as a positive result, while other colors were regarded as negative results. The centrifuge was used when the synovial fluid was mixed with blood before being placed onto the LE strip. At the same time, the diagnostic criteria of Muscularskeletal Infection Society(MSIS) were used to identify whether periprosthetic joint infection was found in patients or not. The results of diagnosis and LE strips test were compared, and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were calculated.Results For all 63 patients, 35 cases were diagnosed as PJI and 28 cases were not infected by MSIS criteria. Two types of LE strip presented the same results with sensitivity of 91.4%(95% CI: 75.8%-97.8%), specificity of 96.4%(95% CI: 79.8%-99.8%), positive predictive value of 97.0%(95% CI: 82.5%-99.8%) and negative predictive value of 90.0%(95% CI: 72.3%-97.4%). One false positive case and three false negative cases were in this trial. Conclusion There is a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection by LE strip which is simple and cost-saving. Though two types of LE strips indicate the same results, the Roche strip is inconvenient for color-reading by naked-eyes directly with thick filter membrane.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School
leukocyte esterase
periprosthetic joint infection
synovial fluid
joint arthroplasty