[Objectives] To develop a highly efficient, stable, and accurate, method for the determination of two main ecdysteroids in insect hemolymph, namely ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone(20E). Ecdysone is the immediate precursor of 20 E, while 20 E is the activated form of insect ecdysteroids, or molting hormones. [Methods] Ecdysone and 20 E collected in Bombyx hemolymph were separated by reverse-phase, high-performance, liquid chromatography(RHPLC), followed by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), to determine their respective titers. [Results] The ecdysone and 20 E titer in Bombyx hemolymph was determined, and the relative ratio of ecdysone to 20 E obtained. The biosynthesis and secretion rates of ecdysone, as well as the conversion rate of ecdysone to 20 E, were calculated. [Conclusion] The new method is highly efficient, stable, and accurate, and can be conveniently applied to determine the titers of ecdysteroids in insects.
Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
国家自然科学基金(31125025 to LS)