目的用DNA测序的方法确定Ⅱ型CD36缺乏症基因型,分析该基因在广州献血者中的遗传方式。方法利用PCR-SBT(sequencing based typing,基于测序分型)技术对998名广州献血者的CD36基因编码区进行分析;通过流式细胞仪分析血小板及单核细胞表面CD36蛋白表达水平。结果在998样品中,野生型基因、1个单一的突变和2个突变者分别为980、12和6。Ⅰ型CD36缺失通常以2个突变基因型存在。结论Ⅱ型CD36缺失可能受单核细胞CD36蛋白基因剂量依赖性以及除编码区基因以外的遗传因素的影响,导致其基因遗传不对称性。
Objective To determine the type Ⅱ CD36 deficiency genotype, and to analyze the genetic profile of CD36 gene in guangzhou blood donors. Methods Using PCR-SBT technology to analyze 998 blood donors in guangzhou CD36 gene In 998 subjects,s tic coding region; To analyze CD36 protein expression level by flow cytometry instrument. Results ubject to wild type gene, a single mutation and two mutations was 980,13 and 5 respectively. Type Ⅰ CD36 deficiency The type I CD36 deficiency was most frequently detected in subjects who were homozygous or compound heterozygous for mutations. Conclusions pendent manner; On the other hand, it can also be in genetic asymmetry in type Ⅱ CD36 deficiency Key words: CD36 ; platelet ; monocyte Monocyte CD36 protein may be influenced by a gene dose deaffected by genetic factors besides the encoding gene, resultingin genetic asymmetry in type Ⅱ CD36 deficiency.
Basic and Clinical Medicine