To understand the achievement of objectives and completion of major tasks of Malaria Elimination ActionPlan(2010-2020) in Sichuan Province, and identify problems and learn the lessons in order to further promote the malariaelimination process, and provide the basis for constant improvement of malaria elimination strategies and measures in SichuanProvince. From August to October 2015, the interim assessment of malaria elimination was carried out conscientiously inSichuan in accordance with the "Notice of Issuance of Interim Assessment Scheme on Malaria Elimination Action Plan inChina(2010- 2020)" with reports learnd, data reviewed, and on- site assessment performed. The evaluation suggested thatSichuan had achieved the goal of eliminating malaria at the current stage, the major tasks had been successfully completed, andthe malaria control measures had been implemented. Malaria elimination capability had been improved by strengtheningtraining and establishing reference laboratory. Communication and cooperation between departments had been promoted,experience in monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of imported malaria had been exchanged, and self-awareness and ability toprotect migrant workers had been enhanced by establishing the mechanism of multi-sectoral cooperation, and strengthening thehealth education campaigns. Through data review, spot check, towns visit and other on-site assessment in randomly selectedmalaria popular class 2 and 3 counties, evaluated counties had completed the work of the Sichuan Province Malaria EliminationAction Plan(2010-2020), and achieved the objectives of the current stage. According to the prevention and control measures,field test, safeguard measures and objectives completion to score, the average score of four counties' interim assessment was94.1 points. By the mid-term evaluation, experience of prevention and control was summarized, and difficulties and risks facedduring malaria elimination was recognized. Imported malaria epidemic situation is grim to become a great challenge in malariaelimination in Sichuan Province. Management of imported malaria cases involves all aspects of society. In order to achieve goodresults, measures must be established under the unified leadership of the government, including participation of relevantdepartments, clarification of responsibility, lawful management, mutual cooperation, and corporative engagement. Only bystrengthening sector coordination and cooperation, strengthen management of imported malaria, strengthen the post-elimination monitoring in order to further consolidate the results achieved.
China Tropical Medicine
Interim assessment