
微生物燃料电池处理直接大红模拟废水 被引量:1

Direct Scarlet Simulated Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Fuel Cell
摘要 构建了以厌氧污泥作为接种菌源、以铁氰化钾为电子受体、以醋酸钠为基质的双室微生物燃料电池(MFC),研究了MFC在不同的直接大红初始浓度下对基质的降解效果以及系统的产电性能。结果表明:MFC产生的电能主要源于阳极微生物对醋酸钠的降解,直接大红的脱色源于微生物及电化学的降解。直接大红对MFC微生物活性有负面影响,但有利于电子传递。在醋酸钠初始浓度为0.5g·L^(-1)、直接大红初始浓度为100mg·L^(-1)时,处理效果最好,MFC对直接大红模拟废水的48h最大脱色率为38.6%,COD最大去除率为57%,输出功率密度和输出电压分别为6.5 mW·m-2和450 mV左右。 Constructed anaerobic sludge as inoculum source,potassium ferricyanide as an electron acceptor,sodium acetate for the co-substrate dual chamber microbial fuel cell(MFC),studied at different MFC Direct Scarlet matrix degradation effect on the electricity production performance of the system as well as the initial concentration.The results show that the power generated mainly from MFC anode microbial degradation of sodium acetate,Direct Scarlet discoloration due to microbial and electrochemical degradation,Direct Scarlet has a direct negative impact on the MFC microbial activity,but it is conducive to electron transfer.While the initial concentration of Sodium acetate trihydrate is 0.5g·L^-1,the initial concentration of Direct Scarlet is 100 mg· L^-1,the MFC has the best effect,decolorization efficiency and COD removal efficiency were up to 38.6%and 57%,output power density and output voltage were about 6.5mW·m^-2and 450 mV.
出处 《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期180-184,共5页 Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
关键词 微生物燃料电池 直接大红 脱色 库伦效率 microbial fuel cells Direct Scarlet decolor coulombic efficiency
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