
“禽”中纳谏:多层次真实型领导对员工和团队抑制性建言的影响 被引量:22

Accepting Prohibitive Voice in Avian Influenza: Multi-level Authentic Leadership and Employee-team Prohibitive Voice
摘要 在禽流感等危机的威胁下,企业领导者需要员工及时地纠错以保证组织的正常运行,也需要打压纠错行为以维护自己的权威形象,因此形成了纳谏困境。本文使用114位领导者与631位员工的配对调查问卷,运用层级回归模型和多层线性回归的方法,从积极领导学的视角探讨了危机情境下多层次真实型领导与多层次抑制性建言的关系。结果表明,个体真实型领导对员工抑制性建言有积极影响,员工负面预期在此过程里起中介作用;团队真实型领导对团队抑制性建言有积极影响,建言氛围在此过程中起中介作用;团队真实型领导对员工抑制性建言有积极影响,建言氛围在此过程中起中介作用,员工负面预期在此过程中不起中介作用。研究结果有助于企业领导者探索纳谏困境的解除办法,对开发有效的组织实践有着重要的意义。 Catering, tourist, and food processing industries have faced unprecedented challenges related to the emergency of crises, such as avian influenza. On one hand, leaders in these industries expect that their employees and the whole team can effectively deal with these crises to ensure the normal operation of their organizations. On the other hand, enterprise leaders must ensure that subordinates follow their order in order to preserve their authority figure. However, abusive supervision is bad for building the wise and kind leader image. For instance, leaders can pretend to accept voice from subordinates in the proscenium, but retaliate in the backstage. Consequently, this behavior can cause subordinates from expressing their opinions. The leaders need employees' suggestions in order to improve an organization's operation. On the other hand, enterprise leaders must suppress unfavorable recommendations to keep the authority figure. As such, the dilemma of accepting recommendations is evident. Accepting prohibitive voice means acknowledging leaders' fault. Suppressing prohibitive voice may ruin the enterprise. Thus, it's necessary for the leaders to explore a reasonable way of solving the dilemma of accepting prohibitive voice. In the dyad survey of 114 leaders and 631 subordinates, this study used hierarchical regression modeling and hierarchical linear modeling to investigate the mechanism of multilevel authentic leadership and multilevel prohibitive voice from positive leadership theory. The results indicate that individual-level authentic leadership has a positive effect on employees' prohibitive voice. Employees' negative anticipation plays a completely mediating role in this process. Team-level authentic leadership has a positive effect on team's prohibitive voice. Voice climate plays a completely mediating role in this process. Team-level authentic leadership has positive impact on employee prohibitive voice. Voice climate plays a completely mediating role in this process. An employee's negative anticipation has no mediating role in this process.Prohibitive voice challenges leaders' authority which can cause the relationship conflict between leaders and subordinates. Thus, there is a lack of prohibitive voice in Chinese enterprises. However, when confronting the crisis situation it's necessary for enterprises to encourage the whole team to brainstorm, rethink over organizational issues, and speak up collectively. Furthermore, an organization needs leaders to actively encourage the team to speak up and reasonably accept prohibitive voice in order to prevent organizational crisis. The results are good for business leaders to develop the process to accept prohibitive voice.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期142-151,共10页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71232001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71432005 71502094) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(15YJC630078)
关键词 真实型领导 建言氛围 员工负面预期 抑制性建言 authentic leadership voice climate employee negative anticipation prohibitive voice
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