以城市污水处理厂的脱水污泥作为主要原材料,以氯化锌(Zn Cl2)溶液为活化剂,通过化学活化法制得活性炭,并将其用于吸附罗丹明B染料,考察了p H值、吸附时间、溶液初始浓度和温度对吸附效果的影响.结果表明,在45℃,p H=4,初始浓度25mg/L时,反应时间80min,吸附率可达95%以上,污泥活性炭对罗丹明B的饱和吸附量为26.62mg/g.以污水厂污泥为原料制备出的污泥活性炭对罗丹明B染料废水进行吸附是可行的.
Sludge activated carbon was prepared from municipal wastewater treatment residual sludge by ZnCl2 as an activation reagent, which was used for the adsorption of dye (Rhodamine-B). The influences of the pH value, adsorption time, initial concentration and temperature on adsorption effect were studied. The results show that the removal rate of Rhodamine-B is up to more than 95%. The optimal reaction is under the condition: at the temperature of 45℃, pH value of 4, the initial concentration of 25mg·L-1, the absorbent time of 80 min. It was feasible to use activated carbon prepared from residual sludge to decolorize the Rhodamine-B dye wastewater.
Journal of Minnan Normal University:Natural Science