
高速列车轴箱轴承动力学分析 被引量:9

Dynamic analysis of axle box bearing of high-speed train
摘要 考虑实际运行工况,通过高速列车整车动力学仿真得到列车运行时轴箱轴承所受外载荷,建立某型高速列车轴箱所用双列圆锥滚子轴承三维动力学模型,对轴承进行动力学仿真,分析轴承滚子与其他元件的接触力、接触应力变化规律,分析保持架的运动稳定性。结果表明:滚子与内圈滚道接触状态最恶劣,两列滚子动力学性能具有显著差异,两列保持架质心运动趋于稳定,不会产生高频涡动现象,为高速列车轴箱轴承计算分析和应用提供依据。 A dynamic simulation of the high-speed train is carried out to acquire the external load acting on the axle box bearing of the train considering the train's actual operating conditions. A three-dimensional dynamic model of a two-row tapered roller bearing mounted in the axle box of one type of high-speed train is modeled. Dynamic simulation of the bearing is executed to research on the contact forces and contact pressures between the rollers and the other components of the bearing and the motion stability of the cages. It is concluded that the contact status between the rollers and the inner ring raceway is the worst. The dynamic properties of the rollers from the two rows are significantly different. The cages' mass centers tend to stabilize and won't whirl at a high frequency. A basis is provided for the calculation, analysis and application of the axle box bearing of the high-speed train.
出处 《哈尔滨轴承》 2016年第1期3-7,13,共6页 Journal of Harbin Bearing
基金 国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金(编号:U1234208) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号:51105342)
关键词 高速列车 轴箱轴承 动力学仿真 high-speed train axle box bearing dynamic simulation
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