
基于云服务技术的视知觉训练与传统综合训练对改善弱视患儿视力和立体视功能的疗效比较 被引量:32

A comparative study on visual acuity and stereopsis outcomes between perceptual learning based on cloud services and conventional therapy for amblyopia
摘要 背景弱视是一种常见的空间视觉发育障碍,可引起单眼及双眼视功能缺陷,传统的治疗仅能改善单眼视力,关于双眼视功能立体视觉的训练研究仍然较少。目的评价基于云服务技术的视知觉训练在弱视治疗中的作用,同时与传统的弱视训练方法进行比较,探讨治疗弱视的新方法。方法采用随机对照临床研究设计,纳入2013年7月至2014年3月在安徽医科大学第二附属医院眼科就诊的弱视患儿107例178眼,按照随机数字表法将患儿随机分为视知觉训练组和传统综合训练组。视知觉训练组采用基于云服务技术的视知觉训练方法,在计算机终端登录该系统,患儿配戴矫正眼镜完成每日训练任务,30d为1个疗程。每个疗程结束后根据患儿视力及视功能情况以及云服务器中的训练反馈数据调整下一个疗程训练方案,共实施5~6个疗程,训练时遮盖优势眼。传统综合训练组按照同样的训练周期给予健眼遮盖和弱视眼精细目力训练。分别于训练后1个月、3个月进行复查,比较2个组视力和立体视锐度的改善情况。结果基于云服务技术的视知觉训练组患儿的视力改善总有效率明显高于传统综合训练组,差异有统计学意义(Z=6.368,P=0.012)。视知觉训练组和传统综合训练组患儿训练后平均立体视锐度分别为(127±53)”和(174±67)”,均较训练前的(273±95)”和(311±103)”明显改善,且视知觉训练组的立体视锐度变化幅度明显高于传统综合训练组,差异均有统计学意义(t=12.329、9.557、15.649,均P〈O.05)。不同程度弱视患儿训练后立体视锐度均较训练前明显提高,重度及中度弱视患儿的立体视锐度改善幅度大于轻度弱视患儿,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈O.05)。屈光不正型弱视患儿训练后立体视锐度改善幅度明显高于屈光参差型弱视,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈O.05)。结论基于云服务技术的视知觉训练及传统健眼遮盖联合弱视眼精细训练均可改善弱视患儿的视力和立体视锐度,但基于云服务技术的视知觉训练方法能提高患儿治疗的依从性,适用于弱视患儿的临床治疗,尤其是对传统疗法依从性较差的患儿是一种较好的选择。 Background Amblyopia is a developmental disorder of spatial vision that results in both monocular and binocular deficits. Conventional therapy for amblyopia which focuses on monocular training can improve visual acuity. However,how to improve the binocular function, especially stereopsis is rarely studied. Objective This study was to evaluate the outcome of perceptual learning based on cloud services of improving stereopsis and visual acuity for amblyopia. Methods A randomized-controlled clinical study was performed. One hundred and seven amblyopic patients ( 178 eyes) with the age of 5-18 years old were recruited in The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from July 2013 to March 2014. The patients were randomized into the perceptual learning group and the conventional therapy group. A perceptual learning based on cloud services with computer under the best corrected visual acuity was carried out in the perceptual learning group with 30-day duration as a course for 5-6 cycles, and training feedback data was obtained after each cycle for the regulation of following treatment. The dominant eye was covered during the training process. In the conventional therapy group, a training regimen of health eyecovering that combined with eyesight training of amblyopic eye was performed. The stereopsis and visual acuity of the patients were estimated after training. Written informed consent was obtained from the parents or custodians of the children before entering the cohort. Results The total effective rate of visual acuity improvement is significantly higher in the perceptual learning group than that in the conventional therapy group after training (Z = 6. 368, P=0. 012). The mean stereopsis value of the amblyopic eyes in the perceptual learning group and the conventional therapy group was (127±53)" and (174 ±67 )" after training, which was significantly higher than (273 ±95 )" and (311±103)" before training,respectively, and the increasing range of the mean stereopsis was considerably larger in the perceptual learning group than that in the conventional therapy group (t = 12. 329,9. 557,15. 649 ;all at P〈0. 05 ). In the perceptual learning group, the improving range of mean stereopsis was larger in the severe or moderate amblyopic eyes than that in the mild amblyopic eyes, and the improving range of mean stereopsis in ametropic amblyopia was larger than that in anisometropic amblyopia ( all at P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusions Both perceptual learning based on cloud services and conventional therapy can improve stereopsis and visual acuity in amblyopic eyes. However,perceptual learning based on cloud services can improve the treating compliance of children.
出处 《中华实验眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期426-431,共6页 Chinese Journal Of Experimental Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81261120562)
关键词 弱视/病理生理 双眼视/生理 视力/生理 弱视/治疗 儿童 随机对照试验 云服务技术 视知觉训练 Amblyopia/physiopathology Vision, binocular/physiology Visual acuity/physiology Amblyopia/therapy Children Randomized controlled trials Cloud services Perceptual learning
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