
大数据背景下新员工培训行为分析 被引量:2

The New Staff Training Behavioural Analysis Under Big Data
摘要 当前,我们已经迈入大数据时代。大数据带来的信息风暴正在变革我们的生活、工作和思维,开启了一次重大的时代转型。大数据将为人类生活创造前所未有的可量化的维度,将成为新发明和新服务的源泉。大数据时代的到来对新入职员工的培训行为也产生了重大影响。培训机构如何顺应新形势,借力大数据技术,深层挖掘培训需求并及时提供个性化培训,是当今各类型培训面临的新问题。本文对大数据背景下的员工培训行为变化,以及其对培训机构产生的影响进行了分析,并通过SWOT分析,提出创新培训服务工作的理念。 At present,we have entered the era of big data. The message storm brought by big data is revolutionizing our life,work and thinking, and leads to a great transformation of times. Big data will create an unprecedented and quantifiable dimension of human life as well as becoming the source of new inventions and services. In addition, the coming of big data era also has a significant impact on the training of new staff. All kinds of trainings are faced with such problems as complying with new situation,relying on big data technology, deepening training needs and provide timely personalized training. This paper analyzes the behavior changes of staff training under the background of big data and the impacts on training institutions;it also puts forward the idea of innovating training services by SWOT analysis.
机构地区 国网技术学院
出处 《国网技术学院学报》 2016年第2期60-63,共4页 Journal of State Grid Technology College
关键词 大数据 培训行为 新入职员工 SWOT big data training behavior new staff
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