
透视英国的“疑欧主义” 被引量:15

An Analysis of Euroscepticism in the United Kingdom
摘要 英国将于2016年6月就是否退出欧盟举行全民公投,这成为影响欧洲前途的重大事件。事实上,自欧洲一体化进程开启以来,英欧关系就常生龃龉。英国此次搞"脱欧"并非一时兴起,其背后有着深刻复杂的原因,不仅是其长久以来"疑欧主义"情绪的极端表现,亦是国内政治围绕复杂"欧洲问题"所展开的激烈博弈。目前看,英国在从欧盟拿到让步条件后,留欧可能性有所增加,但由此产生的后果和影响仍不容低估。 A referendum on the UK's membership of the EU is a significant event and the outcome will leave an important mark on the EU's future. Britain has long been an awkward partner in the process of European integration. The Cameron government's decision to hold the in / out referendum is not a decision out of whim; rather,there are profound? and? complex? reasons behind it. This article argues that the referendum is an? extreme?expression of British euroscepticism and reflects the complicated games on how to settle the 'European question'in British politics. The UK is likely to stay in the EU since it has secured a compromise agreement with European leaders. Regardless of the outcome of the referendum in June 2016,the 'European question'will remain unresolved and the spillover effect of referendum cannot be underestimated.
作者 曲兵 王朔
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期40-48,64,共9页
关键词 英国 欧盟“脱欧”公投疑欧主义 United Kingdom European Union referendum euroscepticism
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