
对当前深化“基础四国”合作的思考 被引量:2

Reflections on the Deepening of Cooperation among Basic Countries
摘要 "基础四国"作为全球气候治理进程中与欧盟及美国等"伞形国家"并立的三大关键力量之一,在推动国际气候谈判、维护发展中国家利益等方面发挥了重要作用。但近年来以小岛国、最不发达国家等为代表的部分发展中国家日益转向美欧发达国家的减排方案,使"基础四国"面临巨大的压力。随着巴黎气候大会后新的全球减排框架逐步落实、推进,全球气候治理进程中发达国家对发展中国家的传统阵营划分,开始呈现出向"排放大国对排放小国"转变的态势。以"基础四国"为代表的发展中国家阵营分化明显加剧,"基础四国"在全球气候治理进程中面临的冲击日益加大。 As one of three key strategic forces in the process of global climate governance,Basic Countries play an important role in pushing forward international climate negotiations,and safeguarding the interests of the developing countries. However,in recent years,some developing countries,especially the Small island countries and least developed countries,have turned to support the negotiating position of the developed countries,exerting pressures on the Basic countries in the international negotiations. After Paris climate conference,new global emission reduction frameworks are beginning to be put into effects. The fragmentation of the camp of the developing countries becomes more serious. This paper tries to make some constructive recommendations on how to solve the problem.
作者 付宇
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期56-62,64,共7页
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑项目"气候变化国际谈判与国内减排关键支撑技术研究与应用"课题6"气候变化与国家安全战略的关键技术研究"的阶段性成果
关键词 基础四国 气候谈判 发展中国家 中国 Basic Countries global climate negotiations developing countries
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