
数据链二次中继策略研究 被引量:1

Research of data-link secondary relay policy
摘要 中继作为数据链系统延伸覆盖距离的重要手段;对系统实现更广阔区域的态势共享,信息分发均有较大意义。当前中继责任的指派以及时隙的分配在网络设计阶段即已经完成,难以适应瞬息万变的网络连接需求和网络拓扑的变更。基于此,本文在深入分析研究了数据链系统角色指派、任务编组等内容的基础上,构建了数据链二次中继策略模型;对数据链在使用过程中中继节点选择范围的确定,中继责任指派以及维护中继连接的稳定可靠等相关问题进行了研究;并引入案例对模型进行了验证。 Relaying is an important measure to extend the cover range of data-link; which is meaningful for system to achieve situation sharing and information transmit of greater range. Now, the assignment of time slot and the responsibility of relay have been done in the process of network designation, which is hardly possible to adapt the quickly change of network connect need and net topology. Based on this, This article have studied the role assignment mission dividing and so on, having created data-link secondary relay policy model; and having researched the confirmation of relay point's choosing area,assignment of relay responsibility, how to keep stability of relay connection, and so on; then tested the model with an example.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2016年第8期10-12,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 国家科技重大专项基金资助项目(2012ZX03006001)
关键词 数据链 二次中继 策略模型 data-link secondary relay policy model
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