

Study on the Comparison of the Supply vs. Demand in the Employment Market for Vocational College Graduates'
摘要 针对高职毕业生就业市场中"找工作难和就业岗位空缺并存"的怪现象,对就业市场中"学生、企业"供需双方两个主体的主观因素进行对比研究,根据调查结果和实际情况提出相关建议,以期尽快解决高职大学生就业市场中的矛盾,使我国职业教育能够满足经济不断发展对人才的需求。 This paper studies the comparison of the two main factors, "Students" and "enterprise", in the employment market to solve the dilemma in the employment market: difficulty of getting employed while available positions being open in the market. It presents some practical suggestions to the government, colleges and enterprises to solve the contradiction in the market and to make the vocational education adapt to the need of the developing economy in China.
作者 范灵芝
机构地区 沙洲职业工学院
出处 《沙洲职业工学院学报》 2016年第1期60-64,共5页 Journal of Shazhou Professional Institute of Technology
基金 2014年苏州市教育局高职院校学生工作立项课题(SGZXB201422)
关键词 就业市场 高职毕业生 企业需求 供需双方 employment market vocational college graduates enterprise demands supply and demand
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