
天津港南疆港区2014-2015年度医学媒介生物本底调查情况 被引量:3

The 2014-2015 medical vector background survey of Nanjiang harbor district in Tianjin Port
摘要 为了解天津港南疆港区蚊类媒介生物本底情况,共设立五洲国际(集装箱)、港埠二公司(杂货、粮食)、南疆石化码头(化工品)、南疆远航矿石码头(散货)、外供场院(物料储存场地)5个调查点进行本次本底调查。蚊类采取二氧化碳诱蚊法、人工小时法,共捕获蚊类4885只,确定了天津口岸南疆港区常见蚊种为淡色库蚊,繁殖高峰为7-9月。本次调查所获蚊类相关数据均符合其正常生态习性和活动规律,体现了口岸良好的卫生状况。 This survey collects a scientific statistics of the mosquitos' vectors in Nanjiang harbor district. 5 places are chosen as the survey spots. CO2 trapping method and artificial hour method are used to capture the mosquitoes.A total of 4885 mosquitoes are captured,showing that the most common mosquitoe species is Culex pipiens pallens in Tianjin Port,and their breeding peaks from July to September. In this investigation,the related data of mosquitoes are consistent with their normal ecological habits and patterns of life,reflecting the good health status of port.
出处 《口岸卫生控制》 2016年第2期7-9,共3页 Port Health Control
关键词 天津南疆 媒介生物 本底调查 淡色库蚊 Tianjin Nanjiang medical vector background survey Culex pipiens pallens
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