
领导信任、群体心理安全感与群体离职——基于群体互动视角的分析 被引量:10

Trust in Leadership,Psychological Safety and Turnover Intention in Context of Work Groups:A View from Group Interaction
摘要 本研究以工作群体为研究情境,研究了工作群体对管理层的信任(领导信任)与群体离职意愿的关系,结果表明,领导信任负向影响工作群体的离职意愿。而且,领导信任也通过提升群体的心理安全感间接降低群体离职意愿。研究还表明,工作群体的互动特点是影响群体心理安全感与其离职意愿间关系的调节变量:群体内成员间的离职情绪传染越强,则心理安全感对离职意愿的负向影响也越强;群体的不确定性规避特质越强,心理安全感对离职意愿的负向影响越弱。 How to retain employees, especially key employees, has always been a concern of the organization and management research and practice,. Studies show that the turnover of key employees will affect the operation and performance of the organization, bringing losses to the enterprise,. Recent studies have found that consequences of group levels of employee turnover are more serious than those of individual turnover,. Leaving the organization is the final choice for employees, however, in many cases employees will not leave out of various reasons,. This does not mean that they do not have the idea of leaving,~ Employees' emotion and attitude affect their work behavior, which is a theoretical consensus,~ As employee turnover is concerned,turnover of employees with high turnover in- tension can bring more serious consequences than those with low turnover intension ,. This is because the negative e- motion caused by turnover is contagious among employees,. In a working group, this kind of negative emotion is more contagious. Little literature has paid enough attention to collective turnover,. According to the analysis of some scholars, there were only 115 related studies on this topic to year 2010, among which collective turnover studies were rare, ~ But there is a surging trend in these studies in that 66% of related research is done in the latest decade,~ This shows collective turnover is becoming a hot topic and more attention is paid to it,. In China management field, most scholar pay their attention to the serious consequences and general causes of collective turnover,. This kind of re- search can not catch the differences between individual level turnover and group level turnover. The difference between the group and the individual level of turnover is very large,. Especially in the context of Chinese organization, working group' s trust in leadership may be a very important factor in the turnover process, ~ Based on grounded theory, the authors' previous research shows that management philosophy, cultural conflict and the distrust in leadership, instead of the work itself are possible antecedents of collective turnover ,. As it is known to all, organizational culture is the common values, beliefs and norms of the organization, affecting the behavior of the work group,. Strong organizational culture is based on the trust between managers and employees, and trust is impor- tant for the low turnover rate of the organization ,. This paper argues that the working group' s trust in leadership is an antecedent of collective turnover intention,~ Based on this basic hypothesis, it explores the mechanism of collec- tive turnover. This study intends to solve two problems: clarifying the relationship between working group' s trust in leader- ship and their collective turnover intention, and the boundary conditions of this relationship ,. This study is not only a response to the previous research, but also a new approach to the study of turnover in the context of collectivism, ~ Thus, this paper examines the relationship between trust in leadership and turnover intention in the context of work group,~ The results show that trust in leadership negatively influences group turnover intention,. And also, trust in leader ship directly reduces the level of turnover intention through enhance psychological safety,. It also concludes that, groups' interaction characteristics moderate the relationship between psychological safety and turnover inten- tion,~ That is, psychological safety' s negative influence on turnover intention is higher in group with hi^her emotion contagion than that in group with lower emotion contagion; the negative relationship is lower in groups with high un- certainty avoidance than groups with lower uncertainty avoidance~ The implication of the study is that the relationship between management and employees is very important for enterprises to retain talent,. That is, managers need to be trusted by employees,. And, the characteristics of the working group itself are very important too,. If the relationship between the members of the group is more closely, turnover contagion will be more quickly,. In this case, organizational culture plays an important role in relieving this intention,. From another perspective, the members of the group will not only convey the negative emotions but also pass the positive emotions,. As is known to all, positive emotions will produce favorable results,. So the managers are accepted by employees is particularly important,. In addition, work group' s risk attitude is an important modera- tor,. Attention should be paid to groups with different level of risk aversion, their psychological safety' s influence on collective turnover intention is different,. Thus, appeasing the employees with high uncertainty avoidance.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期87-97,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"企业员工群体离职的触发因素 表现形态及其作用机制研究"(71162016) 国家自然科学基金项目"员工动态匹配视角下的离职对企业绩效之影响研究"(71462019)
关键词 群体离职意愿 领导信任 心理安全感 工作群体 group turnover intention trust in leadership psychological safety work group
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