

The Conceptual Metaphors of the Concept ot(fire) in Uyghur
摘要 文章运用认知语言学的概念隐喻理论,分析了维吾尔语中较为典型的七类关于ot"火"的概念隐喻:愤怒是火;爱情是火;战争是火;灾难是火;高温是火;商品销售好是火;温暖是火。概念隐喻产生的理据:一是人类共有的身体及物质经验;二是特定社会中形成的文化经验。语言中的ot"火"的概念隐喻带有显著的文化烙印,ot"火"与维吾尔族的哲学、医学、宗教、仪式等密切相关。 This paper, by using the conceptual metaphor theory in cognitive linguistics, discusses seven typical conceptual metaphors about the concept ot(fire) in the language of Uyghur,i.e.,fire means anger,love,war,disaster,high temperature,a good market for products,and warmth. The motivations for these conceptual metaphors include: human beings' common experience of their bodies and the physical world,and the cultural experience from a specific society. The conceptual metaphors of ot, which has a close relationship with the philosophy, medicine, religion, and rituals and ceremonies of the Uyghur ethnic group,bear the obvious stamp of the Uyghur culture.
作者 袁蕾
出处 《双语教育研究》 2016年第1期58-63,共6页 Bilingual Education Studies
基金 新疆医科大学人文社会科学基金项目"轻动词理论与现代维吾尔语中的‘N+V’结构"(2013XYSK47)的阶段性成果
关键词 概念隐喻 理据 映射发生机制 Ot(fire) Conceptual metaphor Motivation Mapping mechanism
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