本文采用全差分源级退化电感和共源共栅结构设计了一款适用于GSM高频段手持设备的双模低噪声放大器电路。整个电路采用标准0.18μm CMOS工艺设计,实现了高增益、低增益和旁路三种增益模式。仿真结果表明:在DCS1800和PCS1900工作模式下,该低噪声放大器电路的最大电压增益分别是20.3d B和20.9d B,最小噪声系数分别是1.6d B和1.63d B,在1.8V电源电压下电流为5.5m A。设计的低噪声放大器完全满足DCS1800/PCS1900系统要求。
This paper introduces a dual-mode low-noise amplifier suitable for GSM high-frequency band handset RFIC with fully differential Source degeneration inductor and the structure of cascade. It uses standard 0.18 μm CMOS technology and realizes three operation modes: high-gain, low-gain, and by-pass. The simulation results show that the maximum gain are 20.3dB, 20.9dB, the minimum noise figure are 1.6dB, 1.63dB in mode DCS 1800 and PCS1900. The circuit dissipates 5.SmA from a 1.8V supply. It will satisfy the requirements of DCS1800/PCS1900 application.
Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology