目的:运用基因芯片技术研究针刺对应激性高血压前期大鼠心脏基因表达的影响。方法:9周龄雄性Wistar大鼠27只,随机分为空白组、模型组、针刺组,每组9只。造模方法:噪声结合足底电击刺激,造模周期为14天。造模同时,针刺组针刺曲池穴、太冲穴进行干预,模型组和空白组每天只做与针刺组相同的抓取刺激。记录在造模前1天、第3、5、7、9、11、13、15天大鼠的血压变化,并观察行为改变。15天后取材,进行基因芯片分析。结果:造模开始后,空白组血压一直正常;第3天,模型组血压开始上升〉120 mm Hg,至第14天,血压持续升高并保持在前期高血压(120~139 mm Hg)状态(P〈0.01),出现行为改变,提示造模成功。针刺干预第5天开始,针刺组血压低于模型组(P〈0.05)。第15天,模型组已达到高血压水平,针刺组血压虽然没有降至正常,但与模型组相比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。芯片结果显示:模型组和空白组比较,186个基因表达上调,135个基因表达下调;针刺组和模型组比较,138个基因表达上调,183个基因表达下调;钙卫蛋白(S100A8/A9)、硫氧还蛋白相互作用蛋白(TXNIP)随血压变化,与血压及靶器官损伤密切相关。结论:针刺太冲、曲池穴对于应激性高血压前期大鼠具有明显的降压效应,其机制可能与调控高血压相关基因TXNIP、S100A8/A9的表达有关。
Objective: To identify the effect on heart genes of rats with stress- induced pre- hypertension by acupuncture. Methods: Twenty- seven,9- year- old specified pathogen free( SPF) Wistar male rats with 220± 30 g were randomly divided into 3 groups( n = 9 per group) : blank group,model group and acupuncture group. The model rats of stress- induced pre- hypertension were established by electric foot- shocks combined with noise,and the cycle was 14 days. As the molding cycle began,the acupuncture intervention was applied to the acupuncture group by Taichong and Quchi points. All the intervention was given by the same person. The model and blank groups were grabbed in the same restrainers for 20 min without any other intervention. Blood pressure before modeling of 1 day and on the 3^rd,5^th,7^th,9^th,11 ^th,13^thand 15^ thwas recorded,including the behavior change. After 15 days,draw the heart materials of all rats,and use Gene chips to detect. Results: In the molding cycle,the blank group stayed normal,as on the 3rdday,systolic blood pressure of model group elevated to 120 mm Hg( P〈0. 01),and continuous rise to 120 ~ 139 mm Hg,and it meant a successful modeling,with showing behavior changes. From the 5thday,acupuncture group had a lower blood pressure( P〈0. 05). Microarray analysis showed that 186 genes were upregulated and 135 genes were downregulated. The expressions of S100a8 / a9 and Txnip along with the pressure changed,and were closely related to hypertension and organ damage. Conclusion: Acupuncture at Taichong and Quchi can significantly lower the blood pressure of stress-induced pre- hypertension rats,and can also affect its gene expression in hearts.
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion