现代数据中心网络(Date Center Network,DCN)经常会使用多路径(Multi Path,MP)拓扑结构,这样可以避免两节点间某条链路失效而导致的网络拥塞问题,而且增加了网络的带宽和容错率。传统的OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)路由算法会选择单条最短路径作为最终路径,这样可能会导致大部分数据流集中在单一路径上而出现网络拥塞,而其他可用路径处于闲置状态,不能充分地利用DCN中的链路资源,基于SDN(Software Defined Network)的集中化的调度方式能够提高网络利用效率。设计了一套基于Open Flow协议的链路负载均衡模型,详细阐述了它的总体框架和算法实现过程,并通过实验仿真验证了算法的可行性和有效性。
Modern data center network( Date Center Network, DCN) often uses multiple paths( Multi Path, MP) topology to avoid a link failure between two nodes caused by network congestion, and increases bandwidth and fault tolerance rate of network. Traditional OSPF( Open Shortest Path First) routing algorithm selects the shortest path as the final single path, that may lead to most of the data stream centralized in a single path and course the congestion of network, but other available paths are idle and can not be fully utilized the DCN link resources. Centralized scheduling based on SDN can improve network efficiency. This paper designs the overall framework and the algorithm flowchart of load balancing mechanism based on Open Flow protocol, and simulation experiments prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm.
Application of Electronic Technique