
祖辈-父辈共同养育的特点及其与母亲养育压力、幼儿问题行为的关系 被引量:38

Grandparents-Parents Co-parenting and Its Relationship with Maternal Parenting Stress and Children's Behavioral Problems
摘要 以317名幼儿家长为被试,采用问卷法考察祖辈-父辈共同养育的特点,并探讨其与母亲养育压力、幼儿问题行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)共同养育中女性祖辈占大多数,男性祖辈参与共同养育的较少,比例由高到低依次为:姥姥占47.0%,奶奶占43.8%,爷爷占6.0%,姥爷占3.2%。母系祖辈在矛盾暴露这一维度上的得分显著低于父系祖辈,在其它维度上的得分差异不显著。(2)聚类分析发现祖辈-父辈共同养育关系可分为三类:和谐型、一般型和冲突型,分别占33.9%,35.5%,30.7%,三类家庭在母亲养育压力和幼儿问题行为各维度上的得分存在显著差异。(3)母亲养育压力在祖辈-父辈共同养育和幼儿问题行为之间起部分中介作用。 This study, based on a survey of 317 parents of young children with questionnaires, aims to ex- plore grandparents-parents co-parenting, and its relationship with maternal parenting stress and young children' s behavioral problems. The results show the following: ( 1 ) Grandmothers occupied the largest proportion of grand- parents attending co-parenting, with maternal grandmothers accounting for 47.0%, followed by paternal grand- mothers (43.8 % ), paternal grandfathers (6.0%), and maternal grandfathers (3.2 % ) ; maternal grandparents scored significantly lower in exposure to conflicts than paternal grandparents; (2) cluster analysis indicates that grandparents-parents co-parenting arises in three types of homes: harmony, general, and high conflict, and they show a significant difference in maternal parenting stress and young children's behavioral problems; and (3) the maternal parenting stress partially mediates between grandparents-parents co-parenting and young children's be- havioral problems.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期71-78,共8页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"城市家庭祖辈-父辈共同养育的特征及其对婴幼儿适应的影响研究"(项目编号:15CSH053)
关键词 祖辈-父辈共同养育母亲养育压力 问题行为 幼儿 grandparents-parents co-parenting maternal parenting stress behavioral problems young child
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