

Individualized Voice in Chinese College Students' English Argumentative Writing through the First Person Pronoun
摘要 从第一人称代词的代表功能、观点持有功能和创新功能三个方面分析中国大学生英语议论中个性化声音的构建方式,以期帮助学习者更好地树立个性化声音意识,写出观点明确、独特的高质量文章。个性化声音是议论文写作中的关键因素,第一人称代词是构建个性化声音必不可少的手段。然而,在中国大学生的英语议论文写作中,第一人称和个性化声音仍然是陌生和孤立的概念。 It analyzed the ways to construct the individualized voice in the college students' English argumentative writing from the three aspects in the help that it can help students cultivate the concept of individualized voice and enhance their writing ability,such as " I" as the representative, " I" as the opinionholder and " I" as the originator. The individualized voice is the key element in the argumentative writing,whereas the first person pronoun is the essential method to construct the individualized voice.
作者 刘秋成
出处 《蚌埠学院学报》 2016年第2期103-105,共3页 Journal of Bengbu University
基金 湖南省教育厅资助教改项目(湘教通〔2015〕291号第376号) 湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(14C0176) 湖南省哲学社科项目(15YBA058)
关键词 第一人称 议论文 个性化声音 the first person pronoun argumentative writing individualized voice
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