
骨性鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的毗邻解剖影像学研究 被引量:4

Study of adjacent anatomy between the middle and distal section of bony nasolacrimal Duct and the anterior wall of maxillary sinus
摘要 目的采用鼻窦CT研究骨性鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的毗邻解剖关系。方法收集206例无明显上颌窦病变的鼻窦CT,观察骨性鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的关系,将鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的毗邻关系分为融合型和分离型,上颌窦前壁内侧壁夹角相对于鼻泪管的位置分为前方型和外侧型。结果骨性鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的关系融合型占40.05%,分离型占59.95%。男女之间没有统计学差异,左右侧不一致率为16.02%。上颌窦前壁内侧壁夹角前方型64.08%,外侧型35.92%。融合型中前方型15.76%,外侧型84.24%,分离型中前方型97.17%,外侧型2.92%。结论骨性鼻泪管中下段与上颌窦前壁的毗邻关系表现为不同类型,对选择手术方案具有参考价值。 OBJECTIVE To observe the anatomic relationship between the middle and distal section of bony nasolacrimal duct and anterior wall of maxillar y sinus.METHODS 206 cases of sinus CT without maxillary disorders were enrolled.The middle and distal section of bony nasolacrimal duct and anterior wall of maxillary sinus is divided into fusion type and separation types,and the angle between the anterior and medial wall of the maxillary sinus is divided into frontal and lateral types in relation to the middle and distal section of bony lacrimal duct.RESULTS The fusion type accounted for 40.05%,and the separate type was 59.95%.There was no statistical difference between male and female.The propor tion of inconsistency on both sides was 16.02%.The frontal type of the angle between the anterior and medial wall of the maxillar y sinus accounted for 64.08%,meanwhile the proportion of the lateral type was 35.92%.The lateral type was 84.24% out of the cases of fusion type,whereas the frontal type was15.76%.In the separate type,the frontal type accounted for 97.17%,and the lateral type was 2.92%.CONCLUSION The anatomic relationship between the middle and distal section of bony nasolacrimal duct and anterior wall of maxillary sinus shows different type,which is helpful to choose operative strategy.
出处 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2016年第4期188-191,共4页 Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
基金 教育部长江学者和创新团队计划(IRT13082) 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目(81420108009)、国家自然科学基金(81100704、81441029、81441031、81570894) 科技部十二五科技支撑计划(2014BAI07B04) 北京市医管局使命计划(SML20150203) 临床医学发展专项(ZYLX201310) 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养计划(2009-2-007、2011-3-039、2011-3-043、2014-3-018)联合资助
关键词 鼻泪管 上颌窦 解剖 内窥镜检查 上颌窦前壁 鼻腔外侧壁切开 Nasolacrimal Duct Maxillary Sinus Dissection Endoscopy anterior wall of maxillary sinus nasal lateral wall dissection
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