
徐向青活血化瘀治疗痹症 被引量:3

XU Xiangqing's Experience on Treating Arthralgia by Activating Blood and Removing Blood Stasis
摘要 徐向青教授认为感受外邪,劳逸不当、内伤体虚等影响气血运行,发为痹症,病位在血分;提出"活血化瘀"基本法则,"通"法贯穿始终,通利脏腑经络气机,消除体内壅滞,畅行气血津液,重视虚实,因势利导,治疗同时改善不良生活习惯。 Professor XU Xiangqing thought that the feelings of evil,excessive loss withered factors and body deficiencylocal circulation would influence the blockage of Qi and blood, leading to arthralgia and blood diseases; she also proposed that activating blood and removing blood stasis is the basic treatment of arthralgia.The "general" runs through the treatment by activating viscera Qi,eliminating internal block,running body fluid,Qi and blood, emphasizing deficiency and excess, according to its general trend.It also asks patients to pay attention to improving bad living habits.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第4期21-22,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 痹症 活血化瘀 利脏腑经络气机 消除体内壅滞 畅行气血津液 徐向青 老中医经验 中医药治疗 arthralgia activating blood and removing blood stasis activating viscera Qi running body fluid Qi and blood XU Xiangqing clinical experience traditional Chinese medicine treatment
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