
地磁倒转的原因是什么? 被引量:6

What causes geomagnetic reversals?
摘要 地磁倒转是地球演化史上的全球性重大事件.由于对地球内部物质和运动的认识不足,目前我们尚不清楚地磁倒转的确切原因.不过,相关研究也取得了明显的进展,现在已经知道地磁场是由地球外核的磁流体发电机过程所产生,数值模拟和实验已能再现一个与地磁场时空特征相似的磁场,并从中发现了磁场的自发倒转现象.由于数值模拟和实验的近似程度远未达到地球的真实情况,地磁倒转的自发性目前还不能予以确认.近年来的研究发现,虽然地磁场起源于地球外核,但其他圈层的物性参数分布和运动,如下地幔和地核的电导率分布、地幔对流、板块运动、内核生长等因素都影响或控制着地磁倒转的过程和频率,这些外部因素是否是引起地磁倒转的原因需要进一步的研究.本文简要介绍了地磁场的时空特征和形成机制,评述了地磁倒转的研究进展,并指出在深入探知地球内部信息的基础上,将地球各圈层的相互作用等因素进行统一考虑,构建综合性模型,是未来地磁场及其倒转机制研究的方向. Geomagnetic reversal is known as one of the most dramatic changes on Earth in that the north and south poles of the geomagnetic field switch their positions every 0.1–1 million years. Since Bernard Brunhes and Motonori Matuyama identified the geomagnetic reversal in the early 20 th century, remarkable progress has been made on understanding the causes that drive the geomagnetic flip-flops through paleomagnetic investigations, space/ground-based observations and theoretical/numerical/laboratory experimental studies. However, based on our limited knowledge of the Earth's deep interior, we are still unable to answer the title question clearly and definitely, but we do have found some clues that could help revealing the underlying mystery. The geomagnetic field is thought to be generated by the fluid convection in the Earth's outer liquid core through magnetohydrodynamic process which is called the geodynamo. This hypothesis was initially proposed by Joseph Larmor in 1919 and now is widely accepted. In 1995, Gray A Glatzmaier and Paul H Roberts accomplished the first numerical self-consistent geodynamo model which maintained an Earth-like magnetic field and produced spontaneous magnetic reversals without special priori setup on fluid motion, magnetic field or boundary conditions. Later, the spontaneous geomagnetic reversals are repeated in many numerical simulations and laboratory experiments by other research groups, but the spontaneity of reversals remains sceptical because the conditions of simulations are far from those of the real Earth. Further studies have shown that heat flux variations across the core-mantle boundary induced by mantle convection or superplumes could control the frequency of geomagnetic reversals through thermal core-mantle coupling. The preference of virtual geomagnetic pole(VGP) paths during reversals for longitudinal bands associated with the subduction zones surrounding the Pacific Ocean supports the hypothesis that geomagnetic reversals are controlled by the thermal structure of the lower mantle. Moreover, the magnetic diffusion effects of the lower mantle can alter the structure of geomagnetic field and change the geodynamo process via magnetoelectric core-mantle coupling. Some studies suggested that the plate tectonics, the distribution asymmetry of the continental plates, and the growth rate of the inner core can also influence geomagnetic reversals. Even the super-rotation of the inner core or the Earth's precession can be a candidate of driving the fluid motion in the outer core instead of thermal or compositional buoyancy force in the classical geodynamo theory and, consequently, affects geomagnetic reversals. This manuscript describes the temporal and spatial features of the geomagnetic field as well as the geodynamo theory, reviews the recent progress in the study of geomagnetic reversals. It points out that the answer to what causes geomagnetic reversals depends on our knowledge of the entire Earth and a comprehensive model that treats the Earth as a whole dynamic system with all relevant spheres taken into account.
作者 李力刚
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期1395-1400,共6页 Chinese Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(11173047 11133004) 中国科学院"十二五"科研信息化专项(XXH12503-02-02-2(06))资助
关键词 地磁倒转 地球发电机 磁流体动力学 地幔对流 板块运动 geomagnetic reversal geodynamo magnetohydrodynamics mantle convection plate tectonics
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