

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river metallogenic belt distribution shallow explored
摘要 长江中下游成矿带是我国东部铁、铜、金及多金属矿产的重要基地,素有“工业走廊”的美誉[1]。为了保障沿海地区的发展。我们首先要了解矿山的后续资源,尽快展开所有矿区浅部找碳的地质勘查的首要任务。本文主要从了解区域成矿原因背景和分析主要成矿原因条件入手,运用不同的思想和理论,根据现场实地调查,为找清矿带分布成矿提供依据。 The Yangtze River metallogenic belt is an important base in the east of iron, copper, gold and polymetallic minerals in our country, known as "industrial corridor" in the world . In order to ensure the development of coastal areas. We must first understand the subsequent mining resources, expand the primary task to find all the mines carbon shallow geological exploration as soon as possible. This article from the knowledge of the regional metallogenic background and analysis of the main reasons for the condition to start mineralization reason, the use of different ideas and theories, according to the site field survey for the distribution of mineralization find clear belt provide evidence.
作者 胡学敏 王明
出处 《世界有色金属》 2016年第4期109-109,112,共2页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 浅部成矿带 成矿条件 分布 shallow mineralization belt metallogenic conditions distribution
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