The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines transition as "the process or a period of changing from one state orcondition to another." These transitions should be given special attention. Generally speaking, most people stress and worry when they gradu- ate from high school or university and make the transition to the next important stage in life, Going to a job interview, moving to another city and even starting a family are usually life-chang- ing transitional periods. And when traveling from one culture and moving to a foreign coun- try, a person traditionally goes through a topsy- turvy phase of adjustment called culture shock.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines transition as "the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another."These transitions should be given special attention. Generally speaking, most people stress and worry when they graduate from high school or university and make the transition to the next important stage in life. Going to a job interview, moving to another city and even starting a family are usualy life-chang-