
载银活性炭/超滤组合技术去除溶解性有机物 被引量:2

Removal of Dissolved Organic Matter by Activated Carbon Loaded With Silver and Ultrafiltration Combined Technology
摘要 为了强化水中溶解性有机物的去除效果,采用载银粉末活性炭与超滤(ultrafiltraction,UF)组合工艺处理微污染原水,研究了溶解性有机炭(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)和紫外吸光度(ultraviolet absorbance,UV254)的去除效果、三维荧光特性、影响因素以及膜污染控制的影响.研究结果表明:与常规粉末活性炭相比,载银活性炭对DOC和UV254的去除效果有较显著改善;在载银量0.10%、0.50%、1.00%和投炭量50、60、80、100 mg/L的条件下,随着活性炭载银量和投炭量的增加,DOC和UV254去除率呈现增加的趋势;单位质量的载银活性炭对UV254和DOC的去除率随投炭量的增加而下降,投炭量80 mg/L、载银量0.50%符合出水水质要求;载银粉末活性炭可以更有效地去除紫外区类腐殖质物质;吸附时间20 min时达到吸附平衡,活性炭在酸性条件下更有利于对有机物的吸附.载银活性炭对膜污染的控制较好,超滤膜经反洗后膜通量恢复较好,膜污染指数增长缓慢. To enhance the removal of dissolved organic mattre in micro-polluteol water, a combinedprocess of powdered activated carbon (PAC) loaded with silver and ultrafiltration (UF) was used to treata micro-polluted raw water. Removal effects of DOC, gv254 and influence of membrane fouling controlwere investigated. Results indicate that, compared with the conventional PAC, the DOC and gv254removal are significantly improved by PAC loaded with silver. The DOC and gv254 removal are enhancedwith the increase of PAC silver content at 0. 10% , 0.50% , 1.00% respectively and PAC dosage at 50,60, 80 and 100 mg/L, but the removal of WV254 and DOC of unit mass PAC loaded with silver arereduced. It can meet the demand of effluent quality at the dosage of 80 mg/L and the content of 0.50%.PAC loaded with silver can further remove the humic substances in the ultraviolet region; The adsorptionequilibrium of PAC loaded with silvers achieved in 20 minutes and the adsorption of organic matter isbetter under acidic conditions. By PAC loaded with silver, membrane fouling can be better controlled ,membrane flux recovery can be better received after finishing backwashing, and membrane pollutionindex increases slowly.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期939-945,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项资助项目(2012ZX07404-003) 北京市教育委员会资助项目(PXM2015-014204-500266)
关键词 超滤 粉末活性炭 载银量 溶解性有机物 膜污染 uhrafiltration powdered activated carbon silver content dissolved organic matter membrane fouling
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