
微博用户及消息的影响力研究与建模 被引量:1

Impact study and modeling of micro-blog users and messages
摘要 考虑某微博群体中的微博用户及微博消息影响力问题,以微博用户为顶点,建立了用户关注关系的顶点赋权有向图模型;通过讨论用户的粉丝数、入邻点集的关注强度、发布或转发消息数等因素,定义了大V的各影响因子,并利用层次分析法中确定权向量的办法,得到了微博用户影响力模型;讨论了微博消息被转的用户总影响力、消息被发布或转发用户数和消息被浏览次数等影响因素,通过消息影响力权重向量的确定,得到了微博消息影响力模型;对南京师范大学2014年数学建模竞赛题的实例数据进行了验证与求解,得到了微博用户影响力最大的十个大V及最具影响力的前十则消息。 Considering the influence of micro-blog users and micro-blogging news of a micro-blogging group,with micro-blogging users as the vertex, the vertex weighted directed graph model of the relationship betweenuser concerns is established; Through the discussion of the user number of fans, the neighbor set of attentionintensity, published or forwarded message factors, the impact factor V is defined, then using the AHP method todetermine weight vector method, the influence of micro blogging users model is obtained; the total influence ofusers of Twitter to be turned, news to be released or forwarding of the number of users and the news was browsingthe number of influencing factors are discussed; By determining the weight vectors, the news influence ofmicro-blogging model is obtained; In addition, the instance data of Nanjing Normal University in 2014 of mathmodeling contest was verified and solved, and ten big V micro-blogging influential users and the top ten mostinfluential news were obtained.
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第3期1-4,64,共5页 Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金(pdjh2015b0477) 广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程项目(〔2014〕97号)
关键词 微博 影响因子 权重 用户影响力 消息影响力 micro-blog impact factor the weight user influence news influence
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