
小客车通过减速带时地面振动信号的差异性分析 被引量:1

Difference in ground vibration when cars cross speed bump
摘要 为了探究小客车通过减速带时引起的减速带周围不同位置地面振动情况的差异性,本文采用正交试验设计和实地测试,并根据"试验方案4"条件下的实测数据,从振动时间、振动频率和振动强度三方面分析了减速带周边不同位置的振动差异性.结果表明:(1)横向测试点的振动强度明显大于纵向测试点,且产生振动信号时刻比纵向测试点早了1.8 ms左右;(2)横向和纵向位置的振动频率都集中在10~21 Hz的范围内,属于低频振动;(3)在高频部分均出现振动反弹现象,反弹振动峰值都在260 Hz附近产生,但是纵向位置的反弹振动峰值大于横向位置. To explore differences in ground vibration around speed bump caused by passing cars,vibration time,frequency and intensity were measured at three points of speed bump in Scenario 4 by orthogonal experiment design. Results showed that vibration intensities of lateral test points were significantly greater than longitudinal ones,with time of vibration signal generated being 1. 8 ms earlier than longitudinal ones. Vibration fequencies of lateral and longitudinal position were both within the range of 10 to 21 Hz,which belonged to low frequency vibration. Vibration rebound phenomenon appeared at high frequency part,with peak values of rebound vibration ranging around 260 Hz,however,peak values of rebound vibration at longitudinal position were greater than lateral ones.
出处 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期232-236,共5页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41201100) 福建农林大学科技创新(培育)团队资助项目(pytd12006)
关键词 小客车 振动时间 振动强度 振动频率 vehicle vibration time vibration intensity vibration frequency
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