

Dynamic Ambidexterity in Organizational Learning and Product Innovation:an Empirical Study from the Perspective of Organizational Life Cycles
摘要 企业在产品创新过程中,探索式学习与利用式学习应如何平衡?引入组织生命周期理论,对两种学习在初创企业和成熟企业中影响产品创新的机理进行研究。通过243份有效问卷的实证分析发现:初创企业中,应用式学习促进企业的产品创新,探索式学习与产品创新是倒U型关系;成熟企业中,探索式学习促进企业的产品创新;利用式学习与产品创新是倒U型关系。 How to balance exploration and exploitation during the process of product innovation? This research introducedorganizational life cycle theory, testing how exploration and exploitation in organizational learning impact productinnovation in new ventures and established firms, respectively. The research with empirical analysis on 243 valid questionnairesfound the following conclusion: in new ventures, exploitative learning has a significant positive effect onfirms' product innovation; but the relationship between exploratory learning and product innovation is non-significant. Inestablished firms, in contrast, exploratory learning is significantly beneficial for firms' product innovation; relationshipbetween exploitative learning and product innovation is a converted-U shape.
作者 吴隽 区咏芝
出处 《顺德职业技术学院学报》 2016年第2期26-31,42,共7页 Journal of Shunde Polytechnic
基金 广州市哲学社会科学发展"十二五"规划共建课题(15G104) 广州市教育系统创新学术团队资助项目(穗教科[2014]14号)
关键词 双元 组织学习 产品创新 初创企业 成熟企业 ambidexterity organizational learning product innovation new ventures established firms
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