
公平追问:中小学绩效工资实施七年回望 被引量:3

Query for Justice: Retrospect on Performance Wage Implementation of the Primary and Middle Schools in the Past Seven Years
摘要 以美国心理学家亚当斯的公平理论为逻辑先导,联系中国传统文化背景和中小学分配制度改革的实际,通过问卷调查表明,中小学绩效工资政策在落实中仍存在不少问题,究其原因,主要在于教师收入的社会比较影响分配公平,在绩效工资分配方案制定过程中存在程序不公的问题,人为因素的干扰引起领导不公,信息不对等影响信息公平,教师的公平观影响个人公平感。有效地进行教师分配制度改革,可采取一定措施,充分利用调节机制,保证程序公平、分配公平、领导公平和信息公平。 With the logical guidance of equity theory of American psychologist Adams and based on the realities of traditional Chinese culture and the primary and middle schools' distribution system reform,a questionnaire survey was conducted. The results show that there still exist some problems in the implementation of performance wage policy in primary and middle schools. The reasons are as follows:social comparison of teachers' income influences the distributive justice;there are some unfair procedures in the making of performance wage distribution policy;artificial disturbance leads to the injustice of leaders;inequality in information causes information injustice;and teachers' view of fairness influences personal sense of fairness. To effectively push forward the teachers' income distribution reform,countermeasures should be taken and regulatory mechanism can be used so that the justice in procedure,in distribution,in leadership and in information can be ensured.
作者 杨永利
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期29-32,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 公平理论 绩效工资 程序公平 分配公平 领导公平 信息公平 equity theory performance wage procedure justice distribution justice leadership justice information justice
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