关于电子邮件安全问题的研究由来已久。人们采用了PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)、IBE(Identity Based Encryption)等技术来提高邮件的安全性。PKI技术虽然较成熟但认证环节复杂。IBE技术简单易用,但在身份认证上存在较多缺陷。该文采用的FIBE(Fingerprint Identity Based Encryption)技术结合了IBE技术与指纹识别技术的优势,解决了IBE或指纹识别单项技术所不能解决的诸多问题。该文通过将FIBE技术应用到qmail邮件服务器端,使得电子邮件的安全性得到了进一步提高。
Research of the e-mail security has been on for a long time. People use PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), IBE (Identity Based Encryption) to improve the security. PKI is mature but complicated in the authentication link. IBE is simple but defect in authentication. This thesis uses the FIBE (Fingerprint Identity Based Encryption) technology. It has the advantage of both fingerprint recognition and IBE. It can deal with many problems which can not be solved by using either IBE or fingerprint recognition. By applying the FIBE technology to the qmail MTA, the security of e-mail is enhanced.
YING Zuo-bin, YANG Xin (College of Computing & Communication Engineering, GUCAS, Beijing 100049, China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology