
梯度加热对羊肉嫩度的影响 被引量:2

Infl uence of Gradient Heating on Mutton Tenderness
摘要 以色泽、系水力、胶原蛋白溶解性、剪切力为评价指标,研究在常规加热的基础上,水浴与烘烤2种加热处理在50~60℃温度范围内保温一段时间是否对羊半腱肌与背最长肌嫩度有影响。结果表明:梯度加热过程中,羊半腱肌剪切力值有显著上升的趋势(P〈0.05),其中两段式加热的这一趋势较三段式加热更明显,与常规加热方式相比,梯度加热对肉色及系水率无明显影响,但对胶原蛋白溶解性影响显著(P〈0.05),与常规加热相比,梯度加热过程是相对比较理想的加热方式。 This study aimed to check whether either oven or water bath heat treatment affects the tenderness of mutton semitendinosus or longissimus dorsi muscles as evaluated by color, water holding capacity, collagen solubility and shear force. Samples were heated directly or stepwise(the intermediate temperatures were maintained for 15 min) to 4 different internal temperatures. The results showed that during gradient heating process, the shear force of semitendinosus muscle signifi cantly increased(P〈0.05), and the trend was more obvious in two-step heat treatment than in the three-step one. Compared with the routine control, gradient heat treatments had no evident effect on the color or water holding capacity of mutton, but showed a signifi cant impact on collagen solubility(P〈0.05), thereby being a better heating method.
出处 《肉类研究》 北大核心 2016年第4期11-16,共6页 Meat Research
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAD04B00)
关键词 羊肉 梯度加热 嫩度 剪切力 胶原蛋白溶解性 mutton gradient heating tenderness shear force collagen solubility
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