The modern social system had been covering all over Japan until 1970s, and the modernization of the society had also rewritten the structures of spaces from the pre-modern times drastically. However, the modern society in Japan has to be restructured to deal with the de- industrialization after 1970s and the depopulation since around 2010. The modernization, which is based on the concept of systematization by dividing society, city, building and so on into several mono-functional parts and bringing them into proper coordination to operate the whole highly efficiently, is approaching a stalemate because it is a representative concept for a growth period. The "sharing" movement, which is one of the latest Japanese architectural trends, is able to be understood as a bottom-up movement to break this stalemate; an attempt to give multiple roles again to the mono-functional modules. Thus the born-again portions of this society taking multiple roles will be used by multiple bodies as a result. In that sense, the "sharing" movement represents a section of restructuring process of the modern systematic society and spaces with melting their rigid tree-like structures.
Urbanism and Architecture
Sharing, Modern society, Post-modern society, Modern city, Japanese situations