项目地址:瑞典.斯德哥尔摩项目面积180m^2设计单位Tham&Videgard Arkitekter本案位于斯德哥尔摩群岛外围,藏在高大的松树林之中,所处地势较高,面朝大海,有着绝佳的观景视野。业主在这里拥有几座现代风格的小房子,一座招待屋以及一间船库,平常用于度假时居住。由于业主家庭成员不断增多,需要扩建更多的住所,于是请设计团队为其打造了这座森林小屋。
TThe location is the outer Stockholm archipelago. Tall pines give the forested site an untouched character. The house is placed in a clearing with a high position in the landscape, on a plateau facing the sea in the north. The property has been in the family for a long time with a couple of small complementary buildings, a boathouse and a guesthouse, that has been used for vacation stays. As the family grew with a new generation, the need for a larger house with more space followed.