运用市场价值法,影子价格法对新疆梭梭林防护增产及固沙功能进行价值核算.结果表明:1)截至2011年,新疆共有梭梭林1 390 408.46hm2,其中94.45%分布在北疆各地区;2)新疆梭梭林防风固沙的总价值为3 475 546.33万元·a-1,其中固沙价值占总价值的90.51%,在防风固沙价值中起主要作用;3)不同地区梭梭林防风固沙价值大小顺序为塔城地区>昌吉州>阿勒泰地区>博州>克拉玛依>哈密地区>乌鲁木齐市>巴州>吐鲁番地区>阿克苏地区>伊犁州>喀什地区;4)占全疆梭梭林总面积92.12%的低盖度梭梭林,产生了防风固沙总价值的88.39%,因此,应加强低盖度梭梭管理与保护;5)在新疆应尽快建立梭梭林荒漠生态系统服务市场,完善梭梭林生态补偿机制,使梭梭林荒漠生态系统服务价值得以实现.
The wind prevention were and sand-fixation service value of different coverage Haloxflon (H.) ammodendron forest in Xinjiang was accounted, by the method of market value and shadow price, The results showed that : 1 ) Total area of H. ammodendron forest in Xinjiang is 1 390 408.46 hm2 until the year of 2011, and 94.45% of which distributed in the north of Xinjiang, and mainly concentrated in Tachen, Changji,Ahay, Bozhou, karamay. 2) The total wind prevention and sand-fixation value of H. ammodendron forest was 34. 755 463 3 billion yuan per year, and the sand-fixation value accounted for 90.6% , it played a main role in wind prevention and sand-fixation value. 3 ) The order of accounting value was Tachen 〉 Changji 〉 Altay 〉 Bozhou 〉 Karamay 〉 Hami 〉 Urumqi 〉 Bazhou 〉 Turpan 〉 Aksu 〉 Yili 〉 Kashgar. 4) The area of H. ammodendron forest with lower coverage accounted for 92. 12% of the total in Xinjiang, 88. 39% of wind prevention and sand- fixation value was created by the lower coverage forest, therefore, It was necessary that management and protection of H. ammodendron forest, especially for the lower coveraged ones, was strengthened. 5 ) The fact that the ecological service value of the H. ammodendron forest for wind prevention and sand-fixation was tremendous, it suggested that ecological service market of H. ammodendron forest should be established, as well ecological compensation mechanisms of which should be improved as early as possible, constantly, the ecological service value of H. ammodendron forest would be realized.
Journal of Hubei University:Natural Science
Haloxylon ammodendron forest
wind prevention and sand fixtion
value according
ecosystem service