
Advancement of male health is dependent upon updates to insurance coverage for infertility in the United States

Advancement of male health is dependent upon updates to insurance coverage for infertility in the United States
摘要 The insurance environment in the United States has traditionally ignored fertility as a barometer of meals health. However, there is now growing evidence that male infertility is associated with multiple medical comorbidities including a variety of cardiovascular, genetic, endocrine, and malignant conditions2 Since insurance providers still fail to recognize these relationships, even when appropriately referred, couples still face barriers to care, including insurance coverage rejections and high costs. The insurance environment in the United States has traditionally ignored fertility as a barometer of meals health. However, there is now growing evidence that male infertility is associated with multiple medical comorbidities including a variety of cardiovascular, genetic, endocrine, and malignant conditions2 Since insurance providers still fail to recognize these relationships, even when appropriately referred, couples still face barriers to care, including insurance coverage rejections and high costs.
出处 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期342-342,共1页 亚洲男性学杂志(英文版)
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