目的了解宿州市2014年手足口病主要流行型别和分布特征,为制订手足口病防控方案及临床治疗提供实验室依据。方法采用Real-time RT-PCR方法检测肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(Cox A16)的特异性核酸。结果 343份手足口病临床诊断病例标本,肠道病毒核酸总阳性185份,阳性率59.2%。其中EV71阳性45份,阳性率13.1%;Cox A16阳性98份,阳性率28.6%;其他肠道病毒42份,阳性率12.2%。男女比为1.8:1,男女阳性率分别为54.6%(118/216)和52.8%(67/127)。结论 2014年宿州市手足口病主要流行型别为Cox A16,同时伴有EV71和其它肠道病毒;男女阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.113,P>0.05)。各县区阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=16.417,P<0.05)。
Objective To study the pathogens and distribution characteristics of hand- foot- mouth disease( HFMD)in Suzhou city in 2014,and provide scientific evidence for making effective measures. Methods The Real- time RT-PCR method was applied for Enterovirus 71 and Coxasckievirus A16 Nucleic acid detection. Results 185 cases of the 343 clinically diagnosed cases were positive. Positive rate was 59. 2%. Of them,there were 45 cases infected with Enterovirus71 and 98 cases infected with Coxasckievirus A16,with positive rate of 13. 1% and 28. 6%,respectively. The sex ratio was1. 8: 1,and the positive rate of male and female was 54. 6% and 52. 8%,respectively. Conclusion Cox A16 was the major pathogens causing HFMD in Suzhou in 2014,accompanied by EV71 and other intestinal virus. There was no significant difference( χ2= 0. 113,P 0. 05) in detection rate between male and female,however,the difference was significantly( χ2=16. 417,P 0. 05) among counties.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
Hand-foot and mouth disease
Etiology monitoring