Objective: Investigate the significance of electrophysiology tests combined high-frequency ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of the upper-arm radial neuritis. Methods: Analyze 14 patients we, the Hand Surgery Department of Xijing Hospital, admitted, from December 2010 to July 2015, who were diagnosed as the upper-arm radial neuritis, including 8 males and 6 females. The age ranges from 21 to 33 years old and the mean age is 24.6. The course of the disease ranges from 2 weeks to 1.8 years. Electrophysiological tests and high-frequency ultrasound were all used on each patient. Aider a definite diagnosis, operations and pathological examinations were performed. Results: Electrophysiological examination results: 2 cases were diagnosed as complete radial nerve injury in the lateral intermuscular septum; 5 cases were severe radial nerve injury in the lateral intermuscular septum; 6 cases were moderate radial nerve injury in the lateral intermuscular septum; 1 case was diagnosed as possible injury in the lateral intermuscular septum, which was recommened follow-up visits because the medical history was less than 3 weeks. High frequency ultrasonography results: 6 cases were type I nerve even swelling, hypoechoic; the other 8 cases had one or more constrictions in the type H nerve, narrow at both ends of the swelling, hypocchoic, with a drain sand or sausage like change. Among the type II nerve injury, there was one case having a local multiple constriction. Patients in this group proved the diagnosis rate was 100% after the surgical exploration and operation. Conclusion: Electrophysiology test combined high-frequency ultrasound can improve the diagnostic rate of the upper-arm radial neuritis.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine
Radial nerve
Electrophysiology tests
High-frequency ultrasound
Combined diagnosis