
亚洲基础设施投资银行合作中的大国因素及应对策略 被引量:1

Great Power Issues and Coping Strategies in the Cooperation of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
摘要 亚洲基础设施投资银行已经渡过"出生"阶段进入成长阶段,内有印、俄、英、法、德诸国彼此之间不同的利益诉求甚至是竞争,外有美日的战略挤压。如何化解压力,将一系列竞争和诉求纳入一个长效共赢的合理轨道,对亚洲基础设施投资银行的未来至关重要。从结构现实主义出发,将结构主义的理论内核和中国外交相结合,指出中国在亚洲基础设施投资银行上面临大国实力对比和博弈带来的结构性制约,需直面现实、"防御"为主,一切以创造稳定发展环境为前提的战略定位,提出了通过加强与印公路铁路合作、与俄的中俄—中亚三方共建、与内部发达国家成员深化金融合作和对美日占据舆论主动并趁"空虚期"快速推进项目的应对策略。 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank( AIIB)develops from germination stage to development stage.However,AIIB has to deal with different interest demands and even competition among AIIB members,such as India,Russia,UK,France,Germany,and so on. And it has to cope with the strategic extrusion from USA and Japan. It is of great importance for AIIB to resolve pressure and make competition and demands change into long-term win-win cooperation. Based on structuralism theory, the paper combines the essence of structuralism theory with China's diplomacy and shows that China has to cope with structural restriction resulting from great powers' strength contrast and game. Then,AIIB should be faced with reality to create stable development environment. It is suggested that China should strengthen Sino-Indian cooperation in roads and railways and develop China-Russia-Central Asia cooperation. It is also proposed that China should deepen financial cooperation with internal members belonging to developed countries and occupy the initiative of public opinion related with USA and Japan to promote the rapid development of the project.
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第1期54-60,91,共7页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
关键词 地缘政治 亚投行 国际关系 大国因素 geopolitics AIIB international relations great powers
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